2010年3月30日 星期二

LiL Rob Interview pt2

比預計要發表的時間晚了好幾天,這是 Brown Prider(在youtube頻道的帳號是BrownPrider323)和LiL Rob訪問的第二段,談到他所聽的音樂,和別人合作的感想,自己最喜歡的歌等等....



Here's a video interview we did with The one & only Mr. 1218, Lil Rob, On Tuesday afternoon March 16th 2010 in San Diego California.

Part 2 starts off right where part 1 finished.

Lil Rob is asked what he thinks of today's music compared to the music of the 1990's.

Lil Rob says that he still listens to 90's music to this day, He doesn't care too much for today's music, He says if he's on the internet he's gonna look up Ese Rich Roc and bump "18 With A Bullet" while he cleans up his pad or so, He says if todays music isn't on the radio, Then he doesn't know about it, He says he doesn't like Lady Gaga and doesn't want to make music like her, He says that he likes the Black Eyed Peas and Fergie because they have that Old School feel to their music and thats the style he likes! Lil Rob says he was brought up with Dr. Dre, The World Class Wrecking Crew, Arabian Prince & Egyptian Lover and music like that! He likes the Black Eyed Peas music because he feels where they're coming from and knows what they're mixing into their music, He wishes he can do the same thing as them so he can keep that Old School feel to it and still get on the radio! He says other than that, He mostly bumps Old School Funk like Lakeside, Bar-Kays, S.O.S Band & others like that.

Lil Rob says he doesn't listen to too much new music, He says he knows theres ALOT of Talented Chicano Rappers out there BUT he doesn't listen to too much of it.

Next question, Who would you like to collab with that You haven't had a chance to collab with yet?

Lil Rob says that he wil collab with anybody who has talent and is going the right direction with their music, He says that he has worked with other rappers when they were cool with each other, Then if something goes wrong, they call him a asshole, BUT then they want to work with Rob again, Then when Rob says no, then all of a sudden he's a asshole again, Lil Rob is down to work with anybody, BUT once you burn your bridge, It's over, one time is enough for him! Lil Rob says he rather stay solo and do his own thing, that way he doesn't have to deal with anybody's drama! He says the only person he trust is himself because anybody can do him dirty and any moment, So he rather do his own thing and would like to stay solo, BUT if it's the right person and concept and it might get his career popping then he's all for it as long as they respect him, IF not,then fuck it, He ain't missing out on anything.

Next question, Where do you see yourself in the next few years?

Lil Rob says in the next few years this Chicano Rap game takes a turn for the better, He says it can blow up BUT these days everybody is changing up their styles and trying to go radio, Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, He says you gotta do what you gotta do to make yourself happy, Keep your water on and your lights on and support your family! He says he's Chicano till he dies and no matter if you call him a "sell-out" or whatever, All the music he puts out is gonna be Chicano Rap! He says he's Chicano and he isn't going to change for anybody, he isn't going to change the way he dresses or talks, He says you CANT change his Brown eyes into Blue! He would like to make another hit record like "Summer Nights" again and take it to the top again!

He says it's a hard road, the radio station has a big stack of cd's that they don't play, and a little stack of cd's that they do play, he's trying to get into that little stack of cd's againBUT it's hard because theres ALOT of people that are trying to do that same exact thing as well, He's trying to stay up on flote and not trying to burn any bridges and step on anybody's toes, He's just trying to stay cool and thats why you always frind him by himself, He doesn't want to hang out with anybody that way nobody has any reason to talk shit about him because he doesn't want anybody's drama!

Next question, How do you feel when people call you a "sell-out"?

He says it's really no big deal, He says a sell out is somebody who sells themself out, He says he's Chicano till he dies and will never change and even beyond his death people will still remember him, Then he ask, What is NOT being a sell out? Is he suppose to be "Gangster" and still make Gangster rap and talk shit about the next neighborehood? He says it doesn't make any sense to him why we hate each other, He says he's all about "Brown Pride" and if you're Brown, Then why the fuck should he hate you? He says he can't hate you if he don't know you! He says if you don't know him BUT you hate him and talk shit about him, He says#1 you're Jealous OR #2, you're a little kid and need to grow the fuck up!

He says he just can't see himself as a "sell-out" because he's trying to sell music, He's not changing who he is and he knows who and what he is, He knows how he was brought up and he knows who his friends are and he's NOT selling them out so he doesn't get what the whole "sell-out" thing is about! He says if he's NOT a gangster now these days, then he guesses he's a "sell-out" BUT he doesn't understand what the whole hate thing is about, Lil Rob says if he doesn't kow you then he cant hate you, If he doesnt know where you come from, Then he will try to understand where you come from but he can't hate you!

Next question, If you can pick one song, What is the best song you have ever recorded?

Lil Rob says he doesn't even know the names of his songs because he records his song and goes right over to the next song, He says he was listening to one on the internet that had his Tio Jimmy on the hook, It's called "I'm Still Here" he does a little verse to it, "I'm giving you something bump to, Get drunk to, Something to fuck to, Make Love to"

He says he's all about Brown Pride and it doesn't change who he is, He's all about La Raza BUT he also bumps White Rap, Black Rap, Chicano Rap, Whatever, as long as it's good music, He says he ain't racist and hates it when people are racist against him!

Next question, Is there any reason why you don't collab with any known black artist?

He says no not at all, If they hit him up then it's a different story, He says lately he jumped on the Ludacris "How Low Can You Go" song, Lil Rob jumped on that song on his own and Ludacris doesn't know Lil Rob jumped on it, He also jumped on Snoop Dogg's "I Wanna Rock" song as well which was produced by Scoop Deville & Snoop Dogg doesn't know he's on it as well.

Lil Rob says he's not gonna go out and pay somebody to get on his music because he doesn't have the money to do that, Besides it's alot cheaper just doing it by himself! He says he'll get on anybodys songs, as long as it bumps and it's good music and doesn't disrespect La Raza


最大感想是,原來 LiL Rob是黑眼豆豆的歌迷XD

